BRMP Flash Cards.
What guides how we, as BRMs, conduct ourselves, and the ideals we aspire to hold ourselves and our fellow practitioners responsible for?
BRM Code of Ethics
"Initiative Name, Initiative Owner, Planned Value, Actual Value, Action Plan" are all parts of what?
Value Optimization Report
What are the three Sub-Capabilities in the Build Partnerships Capability Framework?
Partnering Mindset, Relationship Discovery and Relationship Nurturing
Should the BRM establish thenselves as the Single Point of Contact?
No, The BRM should establish themselves as a "Single Point of Focus"
What can be described as: "the things for which organizations are known. It could be known for the value it delivers, the way it treats people or society, or its ability to innovate. "
Organizational Factors
The set of competencies required to advance the business relationship management capability
BRM Role
According to the BRM Institute. What is the definition of "Ownership"
Owning the results of your actions because you want to.
To develop, nurture, and advance relationships of the highest quality, ones that share ownership, risk, responsibilities, and resources to achieve results
Build Partnerships (BRM Capability)
Everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization.
BRM Capability
Which Organization Factor is characterized as "how an organization treats people, recognizes the distinctively human needs of people, and creates value while helping people satisfy their own needs"?
Human Factor
The Statement "Incredible potential power embedded within organizational cultures and Effective relationships serve as the basis for that power" describes what?
Theory of Relationshipism
A comprehensive system focused on relationships as the source for limitless energy, driving value, and helping an organization satisfy its purpose
Relationship-Centered Organization
A document that identifies how value will be created and monitored if an idea or opportunity is pursued.
A Value Plan
A Relationship Characterized as "Compliant" at at what level of maturity according to the Relationship Maturity Model (RMM)?
Order Taker - Level 2
Mapping Relationships to satisfying organization's purpose is part of what BRM Sub-capability?
Build Partnerships
Competency Level indicated by a knowledge level of "Solid organizational and industry acumen" and the expertise to "Lead Initiatives" (According to the BRM Institutes Competency Model)
Definition of BRM
A philosophy, capability, discipline and role to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose.
Linking individual purpose to the organization's purpose is part of what BRM Sub-capability?
Evolve Culture
Which "Partnering Mindset" is effective when a person is too distant from the problem themselves to be helpful but has a connection to someone else who can help their partner
The Connector Mindset
What BRM Mindset Characteristic "incorporates fun and enjoyment into professional environments, making work feel less like a chore"
What components make up organizational purpose and strategy?
The 5 Organizational Factors and Core Values
Centers on the belief that positive relationships drive value in organizations and contribute the greatest positive impact to economic value, people, and the planet.
BRM Philosophy
What Document is typically used (and created) after capturing partner expectations and diagnosing relationship quality techniques have been used as part of the Build Partnerships framework process.
Relationship Improvement Plan
Which Organization Factor is characterized as "the discovery of new sources of value through radical change, or a set of incremental changes, in people, products, approaches, services, markets, or interactions"?
Innovation Factor
An effective application of knowledge, demonstrated through a set of competencies and mindsets to advance a business relationship management capability
BRM Discipline
In the BRM Sub-Capability Model of "Evolve Culture" what is the key enabler?
Personal Growth (a growth mindset)
What are the three Sub-Capabilities in the Drive Value Capability Framework?
Value Discovery, Value realization, Value Results
To deliberately nurture and advance relationships so a cultural climate exists where collaborative relationships organically form according to a common purpose
Evolve Culture (BRM Capability)
The Four top-level categories in the BRM Competency Model
Evolve Culture, Build Partnerships, Drive Value and Satisfy Purpose
A Business Case supports what Sub Capability in the "Drive Value" Capability Model?
Value Realization
What BRM Mindset Characteristic is "knowing your purpose and pursuing it in everything that you do"
An ___________ ________ is a method of capturing a high-level overview of a business idea. Leverage the idea document to define the idea scope, partners, projected value, and business impact
Idea Document
A _________ ______ is used to clarify the nature of a proposed investment and the cost and benefits of making that investment
Business Case
2 key competencies towards establishing a "Purposeful Narrative"
Story Telling, Language (Language Matters)
What BRM Mindset Characteristic is "a state of being that can be cultivated day by day"
Fearless (Does not mean the absense of fear altogether)
Which Organization Factor is characterized as "the formation of the identity and personality of an organization to bring strategic unity both inside and outside the organization"?
Brand Factor
What is known as "a group of individuals who have common business relationship management interests and skills and are working towards a common goal"?
BRM Team
Competency Level indicated by a knowledge level of "Basic understanding of organizational and industry acumen" and the expertise to "Listen to Initiatives" (According to the BRM Institutes Competency Model)
What are 4 common places BRMs report into (in the organizational structure)
Organization / Function Head, BRM Lead, Strategy Office, and Program (project or portfolio) Management Office
What are the 4 high level approaches to converging BRMs with Business Partners when organizaing your BRM team?
By Business Unit, Geography, Major Brands, and by Value Framework or Process
"Satisfy Purpose" is at the Centre of the "Now-To-New" Model. What are the 5 other elements?
Evolve Culture, Build Partnerships, Drive Value, People, and Planet
What are the 5 maturity levels in the Relationship Maturity Model?
(1) Ad Hoc, (2) Order Taker, (3) Service Provider, (4) Trusted Advisor, (5) Strategic Partner
What are the 5 characteristics of the BRM Mindset
Fearless, Playful, Relationship-Centered, Self Actualized, and Purposeful
What are the three "Sub-Capabilities" in the Evolve Culture Capability Framework"?
Purposeful Narrative, Desired Behavior and Influential Relationships
What is known as: " the mental attitude or belief system that inspires and influences how business relationship managers evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose"
The BRM Mindset
Competency Level indicated by a knowledge level of "Good organizational and industry acumen" and the expertise to "Actively Participate in Initiatives" (According to the BRM Institutes Competency Model)
What can be described as "your organization's beliefs, philosophies, and principles that form the foundation on which you perform your work and conduct yourself"
Core Values
A __________ _________ report is used to show current value delivered and where opportunities are for optimizing organizational value
Value Optimization Report
A Relationship Characterized as "Purposeful" at at what level of maturity according to the Relationship Maturity Model (RMM)?
Strategic Partner - Level 5
What BRM Mindset Characteristic is "a process of achieving one's full potential and becoming a holistic self"
Self Actualized
Which "Partnering Mindset" is helpful when actively searching for solutions to a problem or considering new opportunities
The Explorer Mindset
Which "Partnering Mindset" is helpful when more resources are needed to realize the value potential of something
The Investor Mindset
2 key competencies towards influencing "Desired Behaviors" as part of the Evolve Culture Capability
Establishing Shared Ownership and Leadership
According to the BRM Institute. What is the definition of "Leadership"
The ability of an individual to influence and motivate others to achieve common goals
"Setting Strategy, Idea Formation, Development, Execution, Realization and Results" are some of the activities in the __________ ___________ lifecycle
Value Management
"Creating a working environment where people can rely on one another to consistently demonstrate agreed upon behaviors and achieve desired organizational results" is known as?
Shared Ownership
In the BRM Sub-Capability Model of "Build Partnerships" what is the key enabler?
Relationship Maturity and Quality (Use of the Maturity Model and the Quality Diagnosis Technique)
What are the 3 "Sources" of value according to the BRM Institute
Operational, Improvement, Innovation
What is the tool used to support meaningful discussions and visualize relationship maturity across a wide variety of relationship types in an organization
Relationship Maturity Model (RMM)
What is a technique used by BRMs and their partners to establish a shared vision and expectations for the relationship between the partners and functions
Relationship Startegy on a Page (RSOAP)
Ensuring that all Idea documents and Value plans have direct links to satisfying organizational purpose is part of what BRM Sub-capability?
Drive Value
To develop investments and nurture assets based on a purposeful context to achieve timely and strategic results
Drive Value (BRM Capability)
Competency Level indicated by a knowledge level of "Solid organizational and Industry acumen" and the expertise to "Shape Initiatives" (According to the BRM Institutes Competency Model)
Business relationship managers have many great relationships, which means they can facilitate the spread of new behaviors. People are more likely to respond positively to a request made by someone they have a great relationship with and if the request is framed properly. Some effective methods for framing the shift request include:
Learn how to be an advocate, Internalize the language of the narrative, become a great storyteller, learn how to be an activist, recruit new influencers while spreading the new behavior, arm them with the narrative.
Which Organization Factor is characterized as "the approach and mindset people take into creating value forever, through having and evolving a meaningful and lasting organizational purpose, coupled with the intentional cultivation of effective relationships"?
Infinite Factor
A Relationship Characterized as "Inclusive" at at what level of maturity according to the Relationship Maturity Model (RMM)?
Trusted Advisor - Level 4
What document contains the vision, current status, and historical record of any relationship? It is used to help communicate non-confidential objectives.
Strategic Relationship Plan
All ____________ should be recognizable units of action, be able to be attributed to someone, Have unequivocal meaning, Be able to be reinforced, and should Create a good story.
Desired Behaviors
What BRM Mindset Characteristic is "to have the ability to identify and initiate working relationships and to develop and maintain them in a way that is of mutual benefit to both yourself and the other party"
Relationship Centered
Which Organization Factor is characterized as "the application of knowledge, tools, and approaches used to achieve meaningful results"?
Technology Factor
"Shared Vision, relationship Characteristics, Performance Measures, Key Inititatives and Operating Principles" are all components of what BRM tool?
Relationship Startegy on a Page (RSOAP)
What three stakeholder are typically involved in the sign-off of an Idea Document?
Idea Originator, Executive Sponsor, and Business Relationship Manager
A __________ ____________ is the belief that one can get better at something by applying effort, trying alternative approaches, and encouraging self-examination
Growth Mindset
"Relationship Nurturing" is a key Sub-Capability under "Build Partnerships" What is the key document created during the execution of this Capability?
Relationship Improvement Plan
An individual fulfilling the business relationship manager role and has the competencies required to advance the BRM capability
A Business Relationship Manager
"Relationship Discover" is a key Sub-Capability under "Build Partnerships" What is the key document created during the execution of this Capability?
Relationship Strategy on a Page (RSOAP)
To perpetually sustain great reasons for being, both for an organization and the people associated with an organization.
Satisfy Purpose (BRM Capability)
The ___________ ______________ ______________ technique helps determine the strength of a business relationship manager's relationship with their partner
Diagnosing Relationship Quality