Apollo 13 Simulation

Suitable for BRM and ITSM Performance Enhancement

Enhance Operational Efficiency

Foster Customer-Centricity and Service Excellence

Optimize Utilization of Best Practice Training

Discover Methods to Strengthen Capabilities and Processes, Leading to Tangible Value and Mitigated Business Risks

Does this sound familiar?

As provider-business relationships increasingly shape organizational strategies, ITSM and BRM emerge as pivotal capabilities. Despite widespread adoption and substantial investment in these best practice frameworks, many organizations find themselves grappling with challenges. They struggle to realize the anticipated value, and, more concerning, their deficiencies in capabilities pose significant risks to their business. Despite extensive training and certification endeavors, the translation of theory into practice and knowledge into tangible outcomes remains elusive.”

Why does this happen?

  • Much of the training prioritizes certification attainment, emphasizing “Training to pass the exam.” However, there's a neglect in teaching students how to practically apply the theory in their daily tasks.
  • The primary reason for BRM and ITSM initiatives falling short is ABC (Attitude, Behavior, Culture). Unfortunately, training often overlooks these crucial aspects, such as fostering buy-in, addressing resistance, and empowering individuals for change.
  • Many organizations view organizational enhancements merely as “Implementation projects” and overlook embedding Continual Service Improvement as a fundamental capability within the organizational culture.
  • These initiatives tend to be excessively inward-focused, neglecting the Customer and Business perspectives.
  • Insufficient emphasis is placed on aligning processes with business requirements and on measuring and showcasing the value delivered.

About Apollo 13™


You are the Mission Control Center of NASA. Your aim is to support the Crew during the Mission. You must design your services, implement them, execute them and apply continual improvement practices in order to ensure mission success. In 4 rounds you will be challenged with events, problems, issues, changes and increasing business demand. You must apply the best practices in order to become successful. You will guide the crew through the launch, journey to and from the moon, to a safe return and splashdown,  at the same time realizing the strategic goals for the mission.



The learning objectives are dependent upon what your organization is trying to achieve, where you are on your ITSM journey and the problems and issues you are trying to solve. These are some of the objectives achieved during this training:

  • Learn how to apply best practices 
  • Learn how to measure and improve your performance;
  • Learn how to stay customer focused and set the right priorities based on customer impact;
  • Develop communications and team competences.

Duration: 1 Full Day

Number of Attendees: 8-12

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