Relationship Rumble®

The collective blind spots of your leadership team directly define the limitations of your organization.
John Krogh


Relationship Rumble Corporate Edition

A Dynamic Experiential Learning Journey

Leadership begins with “Self”! Experience transformative growth! Relationship Rumble is a science-based, cutting-edge experiential learning simulation designed for the corporate landscape. This simulation promotes increased team productivity, and employee satisfaction through the demonstrative development of leadership skills; influencing, motivation, collaboration, and communication. This 1-day simulation will lead to fortified workplace connections and a thriving, inclusive corporate culture.


“None of us is as smart as all of us.”
Ken Blanchard
Relationship Rumble Session

Role Playing and Dynamic Interaction

  • Enhance communication skills for clearer, more effective exchanges.
  • Develop empathy to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives.
  • Strengthen conflict resolution abilities to navigate and resolve disputes constructively.
  • Foster teamwork and collaboration, building stronger, more cohesive teams.
  • Cultivate leadership qualities that inspire and motivate others.
  • Boost emotional intelligence for better personal and professional relationships.
  • Encourage adaptability and resilience in the face of change and challenges.
  • Promote a culture of inclusivity and respect, valuing every team member’s contribution.

A Deep Dive into Corporate Relational Dynamics

At the core of Relationship Rumble is the belief that robust workplace relationships are pivotal for organizational success. The simulation serves as a unique arena for employees to engage, practice, and introspect on critical relational skills that pave the way for professional excellence.

Our experienced facilitators, with their rich background in Leadership, Education, Business Relationship Management, and Organizational Development, steer participants through customized scenarios that mirror real-world corporate challenges. Through these interactive sessions, participants gain profound insights and develop practical strategies for enhancing workplace dynamics.

Customizable Learning for Impactful Outcomes

Relationship Rumbles 's adaptability allows for alignment with your unique objectives.

It all starts with an Intake Interview.

  • Rapid Culture Assessment
  • Identification of Pain Points and Triggers
  • Prioritize experience outcomes

The Rumble Begins

  • Introduce the scenario
  • 3-5 Rounds of simulated corporate interactions (provide a safe environment for participants to experience new skills)
  • Reflection after every round. New skills introduced, and embedded in the next round

Value Add

  • The experienced facilitators are leadership coaches and consultants. A “key learnings” worksheet will be completed and given to the sponsors. The “Key Learnings” worksheet will identify observations made by he facilitators and will make recommendations for next steps. 

Relationship Rumble for:

Your Leadership Team

Improved Leader Collaboration

Increased Trust and Transparency

Drive Innovation

Enhance Influence


Your BRM Team

Enhance Partner Engagement

Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement

Align Relationship Goals to Organizational Strategies

Proactive Relationship Building

Improved Team Collaboration

Project Team

Enhance team Collaboration and Interpersonal Connections

Effective Conflict Resolution

Effective Silo-Busting / Establishing Common Purpose

Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement

Duration: 1 Full Day

Number of Attendees: 8-12

Contact us to book