Why Simulations

Many organizations are increasingly skeptical about the returns on investment in Best Practice training. Despite significant financial investments, organizations sometimes struggle to observe the desired changes in behavior and service quality following traditional multi-day training sessions. Given the mounting pressure on personal development budgets, the feasibility of this approach is being questioned. However, overlooking employee development not only risks talent loss but also impacts service quality. Many organizations face operational challenges in aligning organizational capabilities with evolving business needs within resource constraints. This raises the question: How can we efficiently and cost-effectively train employees to improve performance?




Our training approach must encompass a blend of theory, practical skills, and behavioral aspects to ensure swift knowledge transfer. It should resonate with employees' work environment, fostering intrinsic motivation for learning. Furthermore, training should equip employees with competencies relevant to real-world problem-solving. Importantly, it should be engaging and enjoyable for all involved. Enter simulations.

Simulations offer dynamic models of real or hypothetical systems, processes, or environments. They provide participants with roles to enact within defined parameters, all within a secure learning space.

Business simulations replicate familiar business processes and scenarios, challenging participants in a realistic setting. Teams collaborate to design, execute, and refine processes and agreed-upon methodologies across multiple rounds, fostering reflection and continuous improvement.

The objectives of these simulations are multifaceted:

  1. Cultivate awareness and motivation for organizational change or the adoption of new methodologies.
  2. Translate theoretical knowledge into practical application.
  3. Garner team buy-in for process improvements by evaluating current practices.
  4. Introduce participants to new tools, processes, behaviors, roles, and responsibilities.
  5. Develop personal skills and promote team cohesion.

According to Forrester, the investment in simulation training can yield substantial returns by fostering a cohesive team with a deeper understanding of the components, interdependencies, and vision necessary for successful IT transformation.

To maximize the efficacy of simulations, it's imperative to address key considerations:

  1. Clearly define the problem.
  2. Customize the simulation to suit organizational needs.
  3. Facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace.
  4. Measure the impact and outcomes effectively.
  5. Ensure optimal business outcomes and results.

Simulations offer a promising avenue for enhancing employee training and organizational performance, provided they are implemented thoughtfully and aligned with strategic objectives.