Why BRM’s Need to Develop Emotional Intelligence

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of Business Relationship Managers (BRMs) has become increasingly critical. BRMs act as the bridge between the organization and its clients, partners, and stakeholders, ensuring that business objectives are met and relationships are nurtured.

At Value Shepherd, our Coaching and Consulting Practice has been instrumental in guiding numerous organizations to enhance their BRM capabilities. In every instance, we have observed that the pivotal factor in the personal development of BRMs lies in the profound emphasis on Emotional Intelligence (EI). While technical skills and expertise undoubtedly contribute to BRMs’ success, it is the mastery of Emotional Intelligence that truly sets them apart and drives their effectiveness.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves being aware of emotional cues and using this awareness to navigate interpersonal interactions and relationships successfully. EI comprises several core components:

Self-awareness:   BRMs who possess self-awareness can identify their emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and how these factors influence their behavior and decision-making.

Empathy:   BRMs with empathy can understand and appreciate the feelings and perspectives of their clients and stakeholders, fostering deeper connections and mutual trust.

Emotional Regulation:   The capacity to manage emotions under pressure enables BRMs to remain composed and make rational decisions during challenging situations.

Social Skills:   Effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building skills empower BRMs to establish strong connections and build long-lasting partnerships.

Benefits of EI for BRMs

Enhanced Relationship Building:   EI equips BRMs with the ability to connect with clients on a deeper level, understand their needs, and tailor solutions accordingly. This results in stronger, more productive relationships that contribute to client loyalty and retention.

Improved Conflict Resolution:    Conflict is inevitable in any business setting. BRMs who possess EI can handle conflicts with tact and diplomacy, finding amicable solutions that preserve relationships and promote mutual growth.

Effective Communication:   BRMs with high EI can communicate clearly, listen actively, and understand the unspoken aspects of conversations. This skill fosters better understanding and alignment between the organization and its stakeholders.

Adaptability and Resilience:   Emotional intelligence enables BRMs to adapt to changing circumstances and bounce back from setbacks, ensuring continuity and progress in the face of challenges.

Influential Leadership:   EI is a cornerstone of effective leadership. BRMs who display emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate their teams, creating a positive work environment that drives success.


In the dynamic world of business relationship management, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in determining the success and impact of BRMs. By developing emotional intelligence, BRMs can forge deeper connections, resolve conflicts, communicate more effectively, and lead with influence and resilience. As organizations recognize the significance of emotional intelligence in their BRMs, investing in the development of EI skills becomes a strategic imperative for sustainable growth and prosperity.